Thursday 7 September 2017

Medical Medium Life-Changing Foods by Anthony William

All quotes from Anthony’s book

We have to be careful that perpetual positivity doesn’t give us an aversion to facing the truth. 

Of the seven billion people on the planet, six billion are lacking the help they need with their well-being. 

Rather than looking at stress as an invader, understand that stress is preparing you to be a master. 

Stress is just the name we give it in negative circumstances (or what we label as negative circumstances).  There are plenty of moments in our lives that we think of as leisure or play that have elements of stress involved. 

Before cutting into (or otherwise prepping and eating) a fruit, vegetable, herb, spice, or wild food, hold it in your hands for thirty seconds to give it the chance to attune to who you are and what you need. 

To deal with cravings, plan meals ahead and keep healthy snacks on hand as much as possible.  Each time an urge arises, act as its interpreter. What’s it really saying? 

Symptoms and conditions are communications from your body, telling you what it needs. 

Berries are selfless. You won’t find them high up, out of reach. Rather, they grow low to the ground, where they’re accessible to all varieties of animals, from bears, deer, humans, squirrels, and birds, to mice, voles, rabbits, and even snails.  Berries are all about sharing, about providing enough to go around for everyone.  When we bring berries into our lives, their kindness and generosity becomes a part of us.