Monday 2 October 2017

Emergence by Derek Rydall

All quotes from Derek's book

Your tomorrow is an extension of God’s today.

This didn’t mean that my life had to fall apart, just that I had to be willing to let it; I had to let go of attachment, of my ideas of what should or shouldn’t be.

Imagination may take us on a journey to the edge of our known self, but for a true vision that evolves us to the next level (whether personally, professionally, or societally), we must cross the border of our conditioned mind and enter an uncharted frontier that can only be navigated through the sight of our soul.

Emergination is an inside-out process that transforms you into the person you must be to handle the next phase of growth with ease, grace, and integrity.

Trust that what you need to receive and remember, you will, and that even if you don’t remember, there’s valuable work being done in the deeper recesses of your consciousness.

True change – whether in your inner world, outer world, or the world at large, requires you to go beyond your known self, beyond the stories of your life, beyond all the excuses that have held you back, and tap into that realm where your higher vision exists.

The experience of the senses is an expression of mental and spiritual activity, not a reality in itself. We don’t see or hear because we have eyes and ears; we have eyes and ears because seeing and hearing are aspects of consciousness.

Our body doesn’t actually feel – the mind does, the phantom limb phenomena illustrates this. When someone loses a limb, they’ll sometimes still feel pain or itching in the missing limb and reach into empty space to scratch an appendage that is no longer there. The whole world “out there” is a movie we’re projecting on the screen of our mind.

When we don’t consciously identify with what we don’t know, the ignorance remains unconscious and can manifest as anxiety, procrastination, and all manner of self-sabotage.

Life doesn’t always appear to be so generous to us.  When this happens, it’s not personal.  The universe is just reflecting how we’re thinking about or treating ourselves, such as “undeserving” or “not good enough”. 

The more you give from an awareness of having, the more you have to give.

Sometimes acting as if something is true activates something inside of us that really is.

Action is the evidence of belief and the mechanism by which we anchor it on earth.

Action is belief in work clothes.

Act from where you want to be, not from where you are.

Act from who you want to be, not from how you feel.

Do you want to know what you really believe so you can start from a place of honesty and authenticity and build upon that foundation? Don’t merely look at what you’re thinking, saying, affirming, or praying; look at what you’re doing, especially under pressure.

The urge to correct something is a form of resistance to what is.

Problems are symptoms of a particular state of consciousness.

To evolve, we must take our attention off the problem and place it on the opportunity.

Rather than focusing on the obstacle, you need to look beyond it to where you want to go.  And because energy flows where your attention goes, it will cause you to think, say, and do things that put you back on the road to success.

Many people believe that if they don’t “feel like it”, there’s a legitimate reason not to act.  But it’s no reason at all; it’s an unexamined false belief. It also shows up in less obvious but equally pernicious self-talk like, “I’m just not inspired”, or “I don’t have the energy”.

When we “do it any way”, we have a direct experience that shows that we really are the source of power in our life.

What you think and feel can only determine what you do if you let it.  On their own, your thoughts and feelings have no power.

There’s no such thing as being stuck, there’s no such things as “can’t”.  “Can’t” is just a filter the ego puts up to stop your growth.  It’s a limited belief.

When you say you can’t, what you’re really saying the majority of the time is “I won’t”.

No matter how far from your destination, you can always take another step in its direction, even if the step takes place in your mind first, then your emotions, then your body.  There’s always a next step.

The sad fact of the human experience is that most people lead lives of quiet desperation, never saying yes to the yes within them, waiting for some perfect or safe condition to finally act upon their deepest desires – a condition that never comes.

You don’t experience reality; you experience your perception of it.

Everything is conspiring for your good, awakening your deeper potential, and preparing you for greater things.

You can’t heal life by repressing it, you can’t have more life by rejecting it, and you can’t live more fully if you’re at war with it.

Whatever’s missing is what you’re not giving.

If we want to heal the situation once and for all, we must make a distinction: are the emotions of pain suffering coming from what we’re thinking, feeling, and projecting onto the person or situation? Or are they coming from the actual conditions of the situation?

Just as the oak is already in the acorn, everything we’re meant to be and all we need to fulfill it is already in us – a perfect pattern and divine purpose.  And, like the oak from the acorn, when the conditions are right, this innate potential naturally emerges.

It’s a trick of the ego to keep you the same while convincing you you’re changing.

The seed you started as already contained the material and mechanics of its fulfillment – and the fulfillment of everyone and everything that evolves from your life.

You don’t need to convince people who aren’t willing or interested….. You just need to say the course.

Just as a single acorn contains endless forests, the seed of your being contains all the ideas, contributions, and impact your life will ever make.

The collective consciousness of separation, limitation, and self-preservation has created a false sense of self and a deep disconnect from the seed of our true nature.

The acorn and its oakhood are perfect ideas that will always emerge when the conditions are right, so, too, will you.

You can’t heal what you don’t feel, and you can’t get where you want to go until you’re honest with where you are.

If we’re not living consciously, our ego will use every trick in its playbook to keep us the same, all while making us think we’re changing, convincing us we can’t, or just dulling our senses.

The ego’s job is self-preservation, often at any cost.

The only way to evolve is to go to a higher level.  And the only way to go to a higher level is to access the evolutionary impulse beyond the conditioned mind.

Money is rarely, if ever, the issue, even when it is.

The life you’ve been trying to make happen is already happening inside you, but it needs you to be conscious of it and congruent with it.  You don’t get what you want in life; you get who you are in consciousness.

The source within you doesn’t bring more into your life; it pulls more life out of you.  The result is what appears to be more things coming to you but is really more of you emerging.

When you practice any goal-achieving technique that starts from a premise that you’re broken or lacking or something is missing, your growth is determined by the level of your current self-image – the picture you have of yourself that is make up of your perceptions, fears, or past traumas as well as the stories you tell yourself and the characters you play in those stories.  At best, this creates superficial improvements.

When we recognize that everything we need is already within us and begin to reconnect to that feeling of innate wholeness and perfection – the way we felt toward that baby—we lay the foundation for the Law of Emergence to operate a process that is about becoming (or, rather, revealing) more of who you truly are, unleashing your infinite, often imprisoned potential.

When you cultivate your inner conditions, your next evolutionary stage will unfold organically.  And because your next stage is already within you, it will arrive whole, bringing with it everything needed for it fulfillment.

As you realize you’re already who you’re meant to be and you already have the thing you want, your process will become more about self-realization.

It’s also important to understanding that self-realization is not a straight line.

The key is to not become attached to or overly identified with any practice or condition.

Locked up in the seed of your soul is not just an image, calling, or pattern of potential; it is the fully realized Self, formed in the invisible dimension of your being.

Your soul is your soil, and if you generate the right inner conditions – mentally, emotionally, and spiritually – your seed will have the right nutrients to thrive.

In order to allow your greatest good to express itself in the most powerful way, you must identify less as a limited human self that is trapped in time and instead tune in to the boundless eternal self within.  

Once we know we’re already whole and that everything we need is within us – including love, respect, validation, power, wealth, and health – we realize there’s no reason to demand, fight for, or fear the loss of any of this.

To the extent that you identify with the part of you that is changing – the human self – you create resistance to the part of you that is emerging – the true Self – much in the way an acorn would if it identified with its shell instead of the oak.

Stop trying to make it happen and instead make it welcome.