Saturday 18 November 2017

The Storm Before the Calm by Neale Donald Walsch

All quotes from Neale's book

Beingness produces consciousness. Consciousness produces awareness.  Awareness produces perspective.  Perspective produces perception.  Perception produces belief.  Belief produces behavior.  Behavior produces experience, and one’s whole life changes walking the pathway of the soul.

This is the planet we’re living on today.  We are requiring people to pay for their survival – and if they can’t do it, we let them die.

We must choose not what we will do, but what we will be.  For all “doingness” proceeds from “beingness”.

When action is experience of “being”, it becomes a powerful demonstration of who we are.

Politics are spirituality, demonstrated.

Need—perceived and unmet need – is what causes violence.

People who aren’t suffering do not attack others.

In life, nothing happens by chance.  Life proceeds out of your intentions for it.

We must decide: is life something that is happening to us or something that is happening through us?

The trick then, if we are not happy in life, is not to leave the body, but to join the soul.

Death is not a process that takes a life, it is a process that changes a life.