Friday 1 December 2017

The Desire Map by Danielle LaPorte

All quotes from Danielle's book

You're not chasing the goal, you're chasing a feeling you hope reaching the goal will give you.

We have the procedures of achievement upside down.  We go after the stuff we want to have and accomplish outside of ourselves, and we hope and pray that we'll feel great when we get there.

We wrote out a bunch of positive feelings, and then we asked ourselves, "So what can we do to feel that way?"

Knowing how you actually want to feel is the most potent form of clarity that you can have.  Generating those feelings is the most powerfully creative thing you can do with your life.

You have a say in your life.  There is so much that we can intentionally select in creating our reality.  What comes into our cupboards and closets, what goes into our bodies, the people with whom we spend our free time, the gifts we give, how we worship, the thoughts we focus on.  Clutter is a choice.  Anger is a choice.  Resentment is a choice.  So are spaciousness, flexibility, laughter, compassion, tenderness, and resilience.

Empowered choices are "whole choices" that take your mind, body, and Soul into consideration.

You're choosing whom to invite in, how to react, what to give, where to go, how to move, how and what you'll worship.

You're not chasing the goal itself -- you're chasing the feelings that you hope attaining those goals will give you.

When you get clear on how you want to feel, the pursuit itself will become more satisfying.

The essence of your desire is a feeling.

Desire is at the root of our divine impulse to evolve.

Life can disappear on us just like a cup of coffee consumed on autopilot.  In other words, to really experience life itself, as opposed to just more thinking about life, we need to remember we're having an experience.

Everything we do is driven by the desire to feel a certain way.

Awareness is realizing that our life could always be better. Growth is doing what it takes to make it better.

When we choose the positive over the negative, liberation over repression, truth over illusion, we become real creators.

Feelings are neither the facts of what actually happened nor of a shared reality.  They are indicators of your personal reality.

The soul always desires that which will most reveal its true nature.

The surest sign that you're working with the life-affirming kind of discipline, rather than the spirit-depressing kind, is that you don't complain very much about doing what it takes.

Your Soul is the destination -- and your feelings are the road signs directing you to it. Your feelings lead you home by giving you moment-by-moment signals. 

You can't always choose what happens to you, but you can always choose how you feel about it. 
With clear desire, you can say yes to the right opportunities.  

To feel the way you want to feel as often as possible, you just need to do easy things to help you feel that way every day. 

Bitch if you need to.  Get it out.  Just don't let it end with that.  Do whatever you have to do to get your thoughts back on a positive creative track so that you're in line with your Soul. This is the good, hard work of grown-up awareness.  Don't judge how you want to feel.

The ways in which you get your needs met will evolve. 

We create wellness or dysfunction in our lives by how we go about getting our needs met. 

If we're condemning it, we're creating stuckness. 

Every unwanted emotion and experience you encounter is a wish for something better.

Upping our willingness to feel the full range of our feelings is a surer way to create healing. 

To be whole is to make space for the full range of human emotion.

Feeling good increases your flexibility, resiliency, effectiveness, and magnetism.

Trust is crucial to creating goals with Soul.  Without numbers and targets to hold on to,  your heart becomes the pilot.

When you honor your limits-- rather than act like they don't exist -- you decrease the stress that is sure to creep in when your goals start to test your reality. 

Life is full of circumstantial desires that don't easily mesh.  How we organize those conflicting wants is the act of designing our lives.

The guilt associated with following your heart is a weight you can bear if your desires are strong enough.  It's the price of admission to fulfillment.

The cosmos doesn't measure sweat and hours for reward.  The cosmos deals in the currency of emotion.  When we feel good, goodness flows.

Spiritual maturity includes the capacity to acknowledge our fears while maintaining our confidence and faith.

Healthy entitlement believes that everyone is entitled and that there's enough to go around. It's rooted in self-worth and love.  Unhealthy entitlement usually comes from a place of lack and fear.  These folks want more than they're willing to give up front. ... Unhealthy entitlement makes people frantic below the surface because they don't trust they can nourish and nurture themselves. 

There's a beautiful twist that happens when you assume your worth: you value other people more.  Because when you're operating from a place of wholeness and value, you see value in other people and you reinforce the belief that there's enough to go around for all of us.  So in this sense, your self-worth is a service to humanity.

How we relate to people is how we relate to life.

We need to get real about what's not working, so that we can change it.

Set out to do three or four things that year with gusto and excellence, rather than doing a dozen things just sufficiently.

Look in the mirror and tell the truth: I’m scared.  I really want this to go well.  I most desire to feel energized, creative, leadership, and love.  State some beliefs: I believe in the goodness of humanity.  I believe that I’ve got what it takes.  I’ve got the best intentions and I’m full of creative bliss.  Recall your successes: I nailed this last time.  I won the debate competition.  The team raved about my last round of ideas.  Give voice to what you’re doing that’s working in your life right now: I see that I am already living this in my relationship with my best friend.  I am courageous with my husband.  I’ve been having my most creative ideas ever this week.
Pour on the desire: I want this job.  I really want to feel at ease. 
State your intention: I am going to give this my all.