Monday 1 January 2018

Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear by Elizabeth Gilbert

All quotes from Elizabeth's book

 [Live] a life that is driven more strongly by curiosity than by fear.

The universe buries strange jewels deep within us all, and then stands back to see if we can find them.

It’s all about the yes. 

The more lightly you can pass that time, the brighter your existence becomes. 

It matters.  It doesn’t matter.  Build space in your head for this paradox.  Build as much space for it as you can.

I think it’s a mighty act of human love to remind somebody that they can accomplish things by themselves, and that the world does not automatically owe them any reward, and that they are not as weak and hobbled as they may believe.

All I know for certain is that this is how I want to spend my life – collaborating to the best of my ability with forces of inspiration that I can neither see, nor prove, nor command, nor understand. 

I believe that our planet is inhabited not only by animals and plants and bacteria and viruses, but also by ideas.  Ideas are a disembodied, energetic life-form.  They are completely separate from us, but capable of interacting with us – albeit strangely. Ideas have no material body, but they do have consciousness, and they most certainly have will.  Ideas are driven by a single impulse: to be made manifest. And the only way an idea can be made manifest in our world is through collaboration with a human partner.

A creative life is an amplified life.  It’s a bigger life, a happier life, an expanded life.