Monday 5 March 2018

Yoga for Life by Alan Finger

All quotes from Alan's book

Remind yourself that at any given moment you are exactly where you need to be.

Acting consistently is much harder than acting radically.

The law of karma makes sure that we never miss the lessons we are due to get; we will always get a second, third, or forth opportunity -- however many it takes -- to learn the lessons that we need. 

If you are like most people…you are accustomed to feeling uncomfortable, and you cannot begin to remember what true relaxation, stillness, and peace feel like.

Practice a new vision: learn to greet the onset of stress positively, because it signals a situation that is causing you discomfort, giving you an opportunity to break old, harmful patterns of through and behavior and consciously create healthier new ones.  The key is self-examination.

Practicing yoga is not a cure-all; nor is it insurance against the onset of future illness. It can, however, shift your attention away from the illness and help you redefine yourself, so that illness never defines you.

Asanas are not exercises that need to be perfected.  They are tools for self-exploration.

The more clarity (the Sanskrit word is viveka) you can bring to your relationships, the less stressful they will be. The more you fine-tune your awareness of your emotional connection to others, the more you will be able to approach every relationship in your life as if it were a mirror reflecting back valuable information about where you stand spatially, physically, emotionally, spiritually, and philosophically from moment to moment.

When an action remains incomplete -- when it has not been rectified, made right, or amended, when it has not come full circle -- it does not simply disappear into a void somewhere…. The universe has made a record of your action and intention, called a samskara, and that samskara lodges itself deep in your unconsciousness.  You will eventually come back to this action in the future, even if you have momentarily erased it from the forefront of your memory.

Your body and your unconsciousness are virtual storehouses for your unfinished actions. 

We have been put here in order to love.  The foundation of the universe is unconditional love -- it is made of harmony and nonconflict.