Tuesday 10 April 2018

The Dip: A Little Book that Teaches You When to Quit (and When to Stick) by Seth Godin

Strategic quitting is the secret of successful organizations.  Reactive quitting and serial quitting are the bane of those that strive (and fail) to get what they want.

The Dip is the long slog between starting and mastery.

The Dip creates scarcity; scarcity creates value.

It if doesn't cost you your life, it isn't a quest.

If you want to be a superstar, then you need to find a field with a steep Dip -- a barrier between those who try and those who succeed.  And you've got to get through that Dip to the other side.

If you're going to quit, quit before you start.

To be a superstar, you must do something exceptional.  Not just survive the Dip, but use the Dip as an opportunity to create something so extraordinary that people can't help but talk about it, recommend it, and, yes, choose it.

The next time you catch yourself being average when you feel like quitting, realize that you have only two good choices: Quit or be exceptional.  Average is for losers…. Average feels safe, but it's not.  It's invisible. It's the last choice -- the path of least resistance.

Quitting is not the same as failing.  Strategic quitting is a conscious decision based on the choices that are available to you.

If the best you can do is cope, you're better off quitting.

If quitting is going to be a strategic decision that enables you to make smart choices in the marketplace, then you should outline your quitting strategy before the discomfort sets in.