Saturday, 7 July 2018

Calling in the One: 7 Weeks to Attract the Love of Your Life by Katherine Woodward Thomas

We are so captivated by our collective myth of the happy ending, that we rarely acknowledge the amount of loss that can be involved in getting there.

We will continually be asked to give up the life we have for the life we are creating.

In order to live rich and meaningful lives, we must learn to undergo the necessary losses of life without having to distract ourselves with drama, or be rescued from the unknown.  We must learn to move forward even when we are afraid.

If you are in full possession of your personal power, you can afford to be generous when someone else is behaving poorly.  It’s only when you don’t own your power fully that it shows up as resentment.

The antidote to resentment is acceptance.

What can’t come through you, can’t come to you.

We don’t necessarily get what we want in life – we do, however, get what we give our attention to.

All relationships are an energy exchange.  Each connection either feeds us power or sucks it away.

When we are complaining, we are in a state of resistance to what’s so.

Love will often escort you straight into the most wounded parts of yourself, leading you round and round in some strange circuitous route right into the heart of disaster.

Magic only happens when one is fully present and available to what is so, and not preoccupied with what is not.

Good relationships require a tremendous amount of generosity, kindness, compassion, and self-awareness.

True forgiveness is an emotional expansion of the heart that must be arrived at honestly and organically.

Gratitude is an inner map that instructs the Universe how to respond to us.

Life is constantly redefining itself according to our consciousness.