person in the world is at least 60% water by weight. We are basically blobs of water with enough
organic thickener mixed in to prevent us from dribbling away on the floor.
We need
to love to realize our full human potential.
alienation from the land is so great that we have no sense that it is sacred or
that our ability to exploit it is a great privilege accompanied by
Each time
the population doubles, the number of people alive is greater than the sum of
all other people who have ever lived.
In the
“household” of the living world, each system, each entity, has a part to play
in the “economy” of the whole. A
standing tree performs numerous ecological “services” for the Earth, yet none
of these services has economic worth according to the way our system does its
Soil is a
living organism made up of tens of thousands of species of microorganisms –
viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa – and larger nematodes, worms, insects and