Saturday 15 September 2018

The Map: Finding the Magic and Meaning in the Story of Your Life by Colette Baron-Reid

Creating reality has much more to do with what is unseen and denied in the psyche than setting positive intentions.

Where are you right now?  Close your eyes and describe where you feel you are.

The map becomes visible to you when you make a conscious choice to be awake, aware of something greater than yourself, and to embrace the possibility of a pattern created by spirit that you can't always make out from where you stand. 

As soon as you define your location, you access your powers of observation.

You can bypass your ego's need to feel important, recognized, and heard through surrender.

Remember that you are not your inner landscape.

The only way to turn off the "autopilot" setting in your mind that causes you to have instant emotional reactions of fear, doubt, anger, or anxiety is to develop the habit of awakening the observing self. This inner witness is the most powerful manifestation of your higher self.

Your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs form an internal landscape.

When you relax into the seasons of your life, you truly enjoy living as a single person, being at the height of your career, or parenting young children.  You take things as they come instead of forcing life to conform to your timetable.

The more you affirm that there's no time, the less of it there is.

Part of the reason we feel lost is because we think too much about the past or future instead of the present moment.

If we avoid our emotions, we find ourselves back in the same old emotional place again and again.

Slowing down and becoming mindful actually creates more time for you.

Regardless of the goal, you must create the emotional reality of those future circumstances within yourself in order for the external world to begin reflecting your new inner reality.  Then you must be open to the way the dream manifests.

No matter what the temporary conditions of your life are, even if you believe they're permanent, you have to honor what you have now in the present and be grateful for it.

You quiet the ego by listening to it and having compassion for the parts of yourself that are difficult to accept.

As painful as it is to admit to powerlessness, it's also liberating.  By letting go, and relinquishing your power to Spirit and Divine guidance, you fin true strength, courage, and self-worth.

The false symbols of safety are money and power.

Participating in Creation means giving up resistance to change, which is the only constant in life, and recognizing that you're part of that ever-shifting living web.

Reality is a mystery that is always moving.

The reality we experience when we take off the blinders of logic and emotion is nonlocal, mysterious, and magical.

Magic answers.  Just be prepared for a potentially strange delivery.

When you get right down to it, physical reality is an illusion of perception.  At the quantum level, a human being consists of a bunch of lights turning on and off, storing, sending, and receiving information encoded into energy.

Synchronicity is a reminder from Spirit that we are all connected.

Shouldville is a land of sticky social obligations.

Looking within at your own wound will make you feel vulnerable and unsafe.  It's also the only way to find your courage.

Your discomfort with another person is meant to make you look closer at why that individual is in your life.

All change, even when you've longed for it and worked for it, is unsettling.