Wednesday 3 October 2018

Discovering the True You With Ayurveda: How to Nourish, Rejuvenate, and Transform Your Life by Sebastian Pole

Ayurveda teaches that disease is primarily due to an imbalance in the inner processes of the body-mind, resulting in an imbalance in your constitutional tendency: too much heat, cold, wetness, or dryness.

Ayurveda recommends integrating your "being" into your "doing", so that your life is your "practice".  Whether your focus is on health, wealth, joy, or spiritual growth, how you lead your life becomes an expression of who you really are.

A healthy digestive fire literally makes you glow.

When our digestion is out of balance, we are sluggish, muzzy-headed, stressed, and even a bit fearful, angry, and low.

70 percent of your immune system is located in your digestive track: the lymphatic tissue in our digestive system stores certain immune cells, which try to inactivate invading pathogens (germs) present in the food we eat.  So, our digestion "talks" to our immune system.

Regular outbursts of anger are a higher indicator in early death than smoking, high blood pressure, or high cholesterol.