Sunday 7 October 2018

Quantum Wellness: A Practical Guide to Health and Happiness by Kathy Freston

Wellness is not so much a goal as a process, a journey, a way of orienting yourself to life.  

The wellness of our world depends on your contribution.

Our addictions, if we let them, will teach us what we need to know about surrender, presence, diligence, and humility.

The soul will always seek to expand and deepen; that is its nature.

If things seem as if they are falling apart for you, assume grace and wisdom are on the way, and keep looking for what the experience is trying to teach you.

We cross each other’s paths for a reason, whether as an opportunity to learn something new or heal something old.

Every encounter with another being is an opportunity to be respectful of the forces of nature that design our universe.

If you want to feel more alive and become more vital and vibrant, look to how you operate in relationships and begin the work there.  Notice how you affect people, and make it your business to be more authentic, kind, and open.

Relationships, rife as they are with joys, disputes, and challenges, give us some of our best opportunities to evolve, and getting an accurate picture of how we perceive and react to people really shows us where we are on our continuum of growth and development.

We are wired to become increasingly conscious and enlightened; you can tell this because it literally feels bad in your body when you’ve been unkind.

We have ample opportunities to either lift each other up or make each other miserable.

It doesn’t matter what we say is most important, it’s where we place the bulk of our energy that speaks to who we really are.

Awareness is the precursor to change.

The path of wellness is a path of transcendence.  You will constantly be brought to the walls that keep you stuck and you will be challenged to overcome them.

As you increase your knowledge of what it is to be well, everything that is “not well” will reveal itself.