Friday, 9 November 2018

When Awareness Becomes Natural by Sayadaw U Tejaniya

You can know or see the mind through various functions – knowing, thinking, experiencing, feeling, wanting, focusing. 

We have to work to be aware, to remain aware, but we mustn’t use the awareness to change the experience.

You either have feelings, or they have you.

By simple observation with a calm and aware mind, we will soon see the mind as nature, not “I”, not self, not personal.

Objects are just objects, not personal, just nature.

Think of our experiences as nature.  Nature is not personal. Nature is just a process of cause and effect.

Don’t be a gong-following yogi; look at your motivations and attitudes and ask the question “Why am I doing this?” Be alive to your being, your own experience.

Remember that every experience is fine.  Nothing is actually wrong; nothing is a disturbance.

Mindfulness meditation is not about stopping a process that is happening; it is about understanding the reality or truth of the process.

Remember that it doesn’t matter how many times the mind thinks, wanders off, or gets annoyed about something, it is ok, just as long as you can become aware of this .

If greed arises, just recognize “this is greed”, every time it arises. Your job is not to prevent greed.

Delusion is the defilement that tells us “this is fearful” or “this is hateful” or “this is beautiful”.

Delusion does two things: first it camouflages reality, and then it gives us the illusion to take as reality what we are thinking reality is.  It hides what is real and then throws up an illusion for us to see and fools us into believing that is the reality.

Look at consequence and the sequence of events leading up to what is happening right now.

[Karma] is not a reward or punishment dished out by a higher authority; it is not stamped into our destiny; it is not fate. It is our own actions acting out on our selves.

Greed will always be there wanting you to have a better experience.

Because our bodies are bound by nature, we are always going to experience aches, pains, sickness, and disease.  How our mind reacts to these afflictions determines whether we have cause or suffer or not.

When we start bringing awareness to the way we live, it soon becomes apparent that we really have little understanding of ourselves or the environment we live in; we are facing a constant battle just to maintain a little happiness in our lives.

The problems that we create out of fear, boredom, loneliness, routine, despair, and repetition (to name just a few) are the reality we face.

It is only a quiet, dedicated, and meditative mind that can penetrate and find true understanding into these difficulties that we create in our lives, and from this see through the confusion and chaos that can dominate our lives.

Do not limit yourself.  Always leave the door open for new and deeper understandings.  No matter how experience you are or how much more knowledge you have than everyone else, never be satisfied with the understandings or depth of insight you have experienced.  Wisdom is limitless.  There is always room for more.

The innate nature of our mind is wakefulness, where nothing is created; there are no conditions, just bare awareness.

Your work is to keep the mindfulness continuous.

Let any experience arise.