Saturday, 13 April 2019

On Becoming an Alchemist: A Guide for the Modern Magician by Catherine MacCoun

Magic is the practical application of what the soul perceives.

When you become infatuated with someone you hardly know, what you have actually fallen in love with is an unrealized potential in yourself.  You have a big crush on what you yourself secretly wish to become.

The subtle is that which cannot be perceived by the ordinary senses because it is pre-physical.

Dreams and waking metaphors are how your subtle body conveys what it knows to your rational mind. 

If you think of attention as a form of wealth (a currency we rightly speak of "paying"), the average American gets robbed several times a minute.

"Boredom" is just a negative way of labeling free attention.  It's what we say we're feeling on those increasingly rare occasions when our attention doesn't know what to do with itself.

Self-knowledge is extremely important when you begin to encounter other beings in the subtle world.  It's how you distinguish self from other when there are no physical bodies to define who's who and what's what.

The subtle world is just that: subtle.  Nothing there can be seen, heard, or touched.

What most of us are used to calling our "will" is actually a form of thinking: our conscious intention.  What we call "willpower" is our effort to make that intention stick, to force ourselves to act in accordance with our thought.

The Great Work is a process of reincarnating into your own life.

You can't eliminate pain, but you can alleviate suffering by subtracting the fear, which comes not form loss itself, but from our anticipation of loss.

Misfortunes aren't accidents.  They are lessons, specifically designed to teach you something you need to learn.

When fear is transmuted into confidence, the suffering of others stops freaking us out.  We no longer have to distance ourselves by blaming the victim.  When passion is transmuted into devotion, we don't have to identify with others in order to care about them.  Instead of imagining what they are feeling, we perceive it directly.  When territoriality is transmuted into integrity, we don't have to borrow our strength from the weak.  We respect the autonomy of those we are trying to help.

Whatever is confused, neurotic, and unfinished in you is its prima materia. 

Take your dark night as a compliment.  It is a mark of progress, not a sign of a screwup.