Wednesday 10 October 2018

The Knowledge Seeker: Embracing Indigenous Spirituality by Blair Stonechild

An Elder is an individual recognized by the Indigenous community as having earned wisdom through life experience and who has become an expert in an area of knowledge or practice.

Humans are not the centre of Creation.  Rather, humans are one aspect of a created world and, because of their dependence on other kingdoms of life (animal, vegetable, or mineral), they are considered to be among the most vulnerable.

There were only about 125 Canadian Indians enrolled in universities across the country at the time [1969].

Ceremonies are deemed essential to keeping open the connection with the spirit world, that realm that is beyond sensory experience. 

The expression "a newly born baby is the closest a human being will ever get to the Creator" is reflected in the Cree word for child, awasis, which means "sacred flame".

Entering the physical world creates another phenomenon: separation into individual entities, each with an artificial sense of self.

The Seven Disciplines that First Nation sages say are the tools necessary to complete your journey are: fasting, sharing, parenting, learning, teaching, praying, and meditating.

Praying is entering into a sacred space where we can focus on communication with the spirit realm.

During the practice of meditation, a person maintains consciousness while transitioning into dreaming, a process similar to lucid dreaming.

There are four dimensions of learning: body, heart, mind, and spirit.  Development is a lifelong task.

It was said that in traditional life children were made aware that they were spiritual beings from the time they could begin to walk and understand the spoken word.

It is nonsensical for anyone to fear death because we are all going to die and it is simply the end of a cycle.

We learn relationships at four levels: beginning with the Creator; then with the spiritual universe through ceremonies; then relationships with the natural universe, including land and animals; and finally in the human world, including marriage and community relationships.

Our purpose on earth is to develop an understanding of how to live in harmony with all of Creation.

All created entities have their own specific consciousness, including stones.  The stone plays a special role in medicine work.  The stone is considered special because of its longevity and unique existence as an entity that does not depend on other life forms to exist.

Wisdom is knowing the difference between what is proper and improper and appreciating the consequences of our actions.

Weaknesses can be considered gifts, as much can be learned from them.