Sunday, 11 November 2018

15 Things You Should Give Up to Be Happy: An Inspiring Guide to Discovering Effortless Joy by Luminita D Saviuc

The story of your past doesn't have to become the story of your life.

The moment you decide that you have had enough of everything, enough of stress and anxiety, enough of anger and resentment, enough of struggle, lack, pain and poverty, enough of tears, heartbreaks, self-destructive thoughts, behaviors and relationships and enough of all that is negative and toxic, that will be the moment you will finally be ready to take charge of your life and take the necessary steps toward a better and happier life.

Your past doesn't have to equal your future, unless you want it to.

If you cling to the past and keep on using it as an excuse for not moving on with your life, then yes, your future will be similar to your past.

We cling to the past because the past gives us a sense of identity; it makes us who we are, or at least that's what we think.  Because we haven't yet learned how to be present and engaged in our day-to-day lives, we continue to craft our lives from a place of limitations -- the past -- instead of doing it from a place of infinite choices and possibilities -- the present moment. 

The moment you become attached to how things should be, how people and life should treat you and how your happiness should be packaged and delivered your way, you create a lot of resistance and unhappiness in your life.

Don't let your mind trick you into thinking that forgiveness is an act of weakness.

When you get your sense of identity from your past hurts, your wounds and your struggles, it can be quite impossible to acknowledge the fact that maybe you are using what happened in the past as an excuse for why you are not living a happier and more meaningful life in the present.

Whenever you choose to use all kinds of excuses for why you can't be, do or have something, you are in fact moving away form your true power, disconnecting from your true self and building a false identity for yourself.

Relationships aren't about making an unhappy person happy nor are they about making an unloved person feel loved.  Relationships are about sharing the love and happiness that is already present within you with each other, growing, improving and evolving together.

The life you are now living is the result of all the thoughts you have thought up until this moment.  

Even though things might not always go the way we want them to go, and even though life might not always give us the experiences we want to have, it doesn't mean that life isn't offering us the experiences  we need to have -- the experiences that are beneficial for the evolution of our consciousness, the growth of our own souls and the expansion of our whole beings.