Monday, 12 November 2018

God Saves Texas: A Journey Into the Soul of the Lone Star State by Lawrence Wright

The number of Texans is projected to double by 2050, to 54.4 million, almost as many people as California and New York combined. 

Texas has practically no laws regulating exotic animals.

The Humane Society of the United States estimates that there are more tigers living in captivity in Texas than the three thousand that are thought to be living in the wild.  Some are kept as pets in backyards.

For the first time ever, the United States holds more proved oil reserves than either Saudi Arabia or Russia.  More than half of the U.S. total is in shale.

The central fact about boom societies is that they inevitably go bust.

Nebraska has more millionaires per capita than Texas.

Houston is the only major city in America without zoning laws.  You can build pretty much anything you want anywhere you want.

Most of the day was spent learning the Texas general firearms laws, which are more nuanced and confusing than I expected.  One can't carry a gun in amusement parks, hospitals, sporting events, school buses, bars, a polling place, a court, a correctional facility, or "within 1000 feet of a correctional facility designated as a place of execution on a day of execution if proper notice is posted".

Texas has the highest rate of uninsured people in the nation.

There are more than six hundred varieties of bird species in Texas, a greater number than any other state, thanks to its biological diversity and the fact that it sits in the middle of the central migratory flyway.

Imagine the wealth and power that would have been Mexico's had Texas remained a part of it.

Bullets from gunfights in Juarez [Mexico] fly over the border.  In 2012, a woman was pushing a stroller in downtown El Paso when a stray shot hit her in the leg.  Bullets from Mexico also struck a building at the University of Texas branch in El Paso, and another broke a picture frame in the city hall.

I suppose many people live in places they're not especially attached to, or that they actually hate.  Marriages are like that as well.  There's a high level of discontent even in enduring relationships, together with long periods of stagnation and moments of shocking intimacy.  You acquire a private library of memories.  Arguments are born that last for the rest of your lives among the touchstones of joy and revelation.  The commonalities draw you together or suffocate you.