Wednesday, 14 November 2018

Penetrating Wisdom: The Aspiration of Samantabhadra by Dzogchen Ponlop

All that appears and exists, all of samsara and nirvana, has one ground, two paths and two results.

The connate ignorance is a distracted, mindless cognition.  The labeling ignorance is holding self and other to be two. The two ignorances, connate and labeling, are the ground of the confusion of all beings.

From the emergence of subtle clinging coarse habit gradually develops.

Beings are tormented by attachment to the pleasant.

Through the emergence of a subtle, fearful cognition of externally-apparent objects the habit of aversion grows, coarse enmity, beating, and killing are born. 

Even if you don't have complete faith and trust, it is important to have some sense of openness to the possibility. 

The manifestations we experience as outside appearance are a simple manifestation of luminous mind.  This luminosity, the clarity nature of our mind, gets to a point of intensity.  When we don't recognize that intensity as the clarity of mind, it is projected outside and duality begins.

Buddhas manifest in accordance with the situation.  They manifest in whatever way they can in order to tame the suffering of sentient beings.

Connate ignorance is actually the nature of not recognizing.

Unclarity is the nature of doubt.

If you conquer just one enemy, your aggression, it is like conquering all the objects of this anger. 

The main thing that we need to learn is how to be in whatever state we are in.

The main problem of jealousy is lack of appreciation.