Tuesday, 13 November 2018

Money: A Love Story: Untangle Your Financial Woes & Create the Life You Really Want by Kate Northrup

The first stage to becoming financially free is to tell the truth of your story to yourself, and feel your feelings around it.

You have to feel it to heal it.

Our power in any moment lies in our ability to get into agreement with what's happening -- to fall in love with your story.  The more we push up against something, the more we find it wrong, the more we wish it were different, the more powerless we are to create the reality that we desire.

The more we embrace the here and now and find ways to appreciate it, and perhaps even be grateful for it, the more power we have to move forward.

Part of claiming our freedom in any area of our lives is looking at our stories through a lens of seeing the positive lessons, taking responsibility for our part, and finding ways to grow as a result of our experiences.

When you find yourself feeling victimy and whiny and hear yourself say the words "I can't afford that", remember: it's not about the money.  If you really wanted it you would figure out a way to get it.  If it were that VALUABLE to you, you would make it happen.

When we sacrifice our own well-being in the hopes that our sacrifice will help someone else, we just get two people who are living sub-optimal lives.