Tuesday 10 October 2017

My Spiritual Journey by The 14th Dalai Lama

All quotes from The Dalai Lama's book

Our life depends on others so much that at the root of our existence there is a fundamental need for love.  That is why it is good to cultivate an authentic sense of our responsibility and a sincere concern for the welfare of others.

True compassion does not stem from the pleasure of feeling close to one person or another, but from the conviction that other people are just like me and want not to suffer but to be happy, and from a commitment to help them overcome what causes them to suffer.  I must realize that I can help them suffer less.  That is true, well thought-out compassion.

You can see the positive side of even the worst of tragedies if you adopt a holistic perspective.  If you take the negative as absolute and definitive, however, you increase your worries and anxiety. 

The past is not a reality; its just a concept.  The future corresponds to projections, anticipations that do not have any reality either. 

The present is that elusive moment between what no longer exists and what has not yet happened.

Each instant of consciousness stems from a previous instant of consciousness.

What we call a person is a concept attached to a stream of consciousness.  This stream, just like the person, is without beginning or end. 

Consciousness represents a faculty of clarity and luminosity that allows us to perceive and know phenomena by direct apprehension. 

We can do without religion, but not without spirituality.

Spirituality, when understood as the development of fundamental human values, has every chance to improve the life of our communities.

The practice of nonviolence applies not just to human beings but to all sentient beings.  Everything that is animate possesses consciousness.  Wherever there is consciousness, there are feelings like pain, pleasure, and joy.  No sentient being wants to suffer.