Thursday 14 February 2019

Love, Medicine & Miracles: Lessons Learned About Self-Healing from a Surgeon's Experience with Exceptional Patients by Dr Bernie S Siegel

I have found only one bit of information that could help change you.  It is that you are mortal and will die some day.  Therefore, don't do things to not die but do things to enhance the quality of your life and you may be surprised by how long you do live.  Accept that you will die and make decisions about how you want to spend the limited amount of time you have.

Medicine still focuses on disease, giving it a failure orientation.  Its practitioners still act as though disease catches people, rather than understanding that people catch disease by becoming susceptible to the seeds of illness to which we are all constantly exposed.

The state of the mind changes the state of the body by working through the central nervous system, the endocrine system, and the immune system. 

Peace of mind sends the body a "live" message, while depression, fear and unresolved conflict give it a "die" message. 

One problem with cancer statistics is that most self-induced cures don't get into the medical literature…. A person who gets well when he isn't supposed to doesn't go back to his doctor.

Exceptional patients refuse to be victims.  They educate themselves and become specialists to their own care.  They question the doctor because they want to understand their treatment and participate in it.  They demand dignity, personhood and control, no matter the course of the disease.  It takes courage to be exceptional.

Hope is not statistical.  It is physiological.

Refusal to hope is nothing more than a decision to die.

Beliefs are a matter of faith not logic.

One of the most common precursors of cancer is a traumatic loss or a feeling of emptiness in one's life.

Emotional growth toward greater self-acceptance and fulfillment helps keep the immune system strong.

To become exceptional in caring for the body, one must take stock of the beliefs one has about it, especially those so ingrained that they're normally unconscious. 

Affirmation aids the body, fear is destructive.  Treatment chosen out of fear is unlikely to be helpful.

The most important thing is to pick a therapy you believe in and proceed with a positive attitude. 

We must learn to give fun a high priority in life.

Visualization takes advantage of what might almost be called a "weakness" of the body: it cannot distinguish between a vivid mental experience and an actual physical experience. 

We prepare our future by what we think and do each day.

People who always smile, never tell anyone their troubles, and neglect their own needs are the ones who are most likely to become ill.  For them, the main problem often is learning to say no without guilt.

People heal doing something they believe in, something that gives them hope. 

Our emotions don't happen to us so much as we choose them.

Resentments and hate are the obstacles that keep many people from clearing up their unfinished emotional business and achieving harmony with others. 

You create your own opportunities out of the same raw materials from which other people create their defeats.