Tuesday 14 November 2017

The Law of Divine Compensation by Marianne Williamson

All quotes from Marianne's book

If you feel ashamed about celebrating money, don’t expect money to celebrate you. 

Prayer doesn’t change a situation for you so much as it changes you for the situation. 

We are given the power to turn any situation that is not love back into love, starting with thinking about it differently.  We do this by identifying our own lovelessness and being willing to let it go.

Starving children in Africa are not poor because their consciousness is unaligned with love; they’re poor because ours is. … It is a collective lovelessness on the part of advanced nations of the world that allows us to accept the reality of deep poverty.

No matter what is happening in our lives, we choose how we wish to think about it.

It is not our circumstances, then, but rather our thoughts about our circumstances, that determine our power to transform them.

You are not lacking just because your circumstances are.

Think of the universe itself as a personal love note form God to you.

We increase a thing’s power by increasing our belief in its power.

Faith isn’t blind; it’s visionary. Having faith in a positive outcome doesn’t mean you’re denying a problem or ignoring obstacles; it simply means you’re affirming a solution.

A miracle is: a shift in thinking which then shifts your experience. This shift in perception – your willingness to look beyond appearances -- enables you to invoke a different set of probabilities going forward.  It enables you to see beyond what’s happening to what could be happening, thus creating the space for something new.

Everything seen begins in a place that was first unseen.

When a pilot cannot see the horizon because of low visibility, he or she doesn’t assume that the horizon has disappeared.  At a time of low visibility, the pilot flies on instruments that can actually gauge a situation more clearly than he can.  Faith is like flying on instruments: it’s acting out the assumption that just because you can’t see a possibility at the moment doesn’t mean that it’s not there.

Your power to invoke ultimate truth lies in your clarity about what is truth and what is illusion.

With every thought we think, we display either faith in love or faith in fear.

In any instant, regardless of what has happened in the past, the universe has arranged and is continuing to arrange infinite possibilities for you to prosper.

Putting love first means knowing who you are and that you’re entitled to miracles. Putting love first means knowing that the universe supports you in creating the good, the holy, and the beautiful. It means knowing that you’re on the earth for a purpose, and that the purpose itself will create opportunities for its accomplishment.

Our internal abundance is ultimately the source of our external abundance. Who we are, not just the services we provide, creates money.

Love leads us to act with impeccability, integrity, and excellence.

The seeker isn’t looking to “get money”, but to exchange energy.  And when the energy we’re putting out is filled with the consciousness of love, then the energy flowing back to us comes in whatever form more serves our good.

Releasing negative self-concepts is important not simply because they hurt you; it’s important because they’re not true.

Painful thoughts arise from over-identification with the material plane.

Identifying with your material self rather than your spiritual self will always leave you vulnerable to self-hating projections.

To self-identify according to your spiritual rather than material reality is enlightenment.  From this perspective, you see that you are the light.  No thought or condition of darkness – that is, lovelessness in your mind or in any one else’s – has any bearing whatsoever on the truth of who you are or what the universe has planned for you.

As long as we think we’re separate from the rest of the universe, we’re bound to compare ourselves to others.

Spiritual understanding is a corrective to any false programming you might have received as a child.

A story, no matter how factually true, is still just a story.  Spiritual growth involves giving up the stories of your past so the universe can write you a new one.

Every loving thing that ever happened to you was real, and everything else was an illusion.

It matters only where you place your consciousness now.

Feel your feelings, yes, but be self-aware enough to know the difference between processing and spewing.

Feeling your feelings is healthy; holding on to them longer than you need to is self-indulgent.

What happens now is up to you.  You can respond from ego, ensuring pain; or you can respond from spirit, ensuring a miracle.

The level of woundedness is the level of illusion.

Moral outrage does not have to include personal anger.

Nonviolence didn’t mean they looked away from the problem; it meant they looked though it to a realm of possibility that lay beyond the conditions that angered them.

By forgiving, we do not grant victory to those who wronged us; instead, we surrender the aspect of mind that is blocking divine correction.

Forgiveness is the most powerful key to new beginnings.

We can be bitter or we can be better…. Bitterness is hardly the personality trait that someone out there is looking to hire, partner with, promote, or invest in.

The ego is that which both sets you up to do the wrong thing and then punishes you viciously for having done so.  

Guilt is savage, and it never lets you off the hook.  It leads to obsession, self-hatred, self-punishment, and a shattered sense of self.

A failure remains a failure only if we refuse to learn from it.

Great people are not those who have never fallen down.  Great people are those who, when they do fall down, dig deep within themselves and find the strength to get back up.

No deviation from love – on your part or on anyone else’s –can keep the universe from its divine intention that your life be one of fullness and joy.

If your mind is in a loving place – if your thoughts are of a high, divine vibration – your experience will reflect that.  If your mind is in a fearful place – if your thoughts are of a lower, dense vibration – your experience will reflect that.  The way to change the nature of your experience is to change the nature of your thoughts.

The ego is the mind of fear. It is our own mental power turned against ourselves. It is the part of us that thinks that we have to struggle to get ahead, that we must compete with everyone else, that there is only so much success to go around.

The ego consists of – and perpetuates – the chronic, self-destructive patterns by which we sabotage ourselves, blow opportunities, destroy relationships, and undermine ourselves in a myriad of ways.

There are four rules for miraculous work creation: be positive. Send love. Have fun. Kick ass.

In almost every moment, we’re at the right place at the right time if we step fully into the moment at hand.

All meditation is relaxation, but not all relaxation is meditation.

Greater insight, deeper understanding, expanded perspective, more whole-system knowing, and deeper peace, forgiveness, and love – all of these arise more easily from the meditative mind.

Just as we wash to remove yesterday’s dirt from our bodies, we meditate to remove yesterday’s stress from our minds.

While I can’t say that the practice [of meditation] guarantees I’ll be the best version of myself all day, it absolutely keeps me from being the worst version of myself.

The universe is like a house wired for electricity, but too often we’re like unplugged lamps.

Prayer expands our consciousness, thus expanding the set of possibilities that we experience.

That’s how the universe operates: whatever already is, is the platform for what could be.

Seeking to solve a problem merely on the level of effect is not a true solution but only a temporary fix. Only when we address the level of cause – the thoughts that caused the original deviation from love – do we produce miraculous and fundamental results.

God will do his part when we do ours.