Saturday 10 February 2018

Yoga Vasistha: The Art of Self-Realization by Sage Valmiki

All quotes from Sage Valmiki's book

Rooted in equanimity, doing whatever happens to be the appropriate action in each given situation. 

Whatever comes, let it come; whatever goes, let it go.

Due to the delusion of mind the wave which belongs to the ocean identifies itself as a wave.

The seer does not see himself as he sees the object: the seer sees himself as the object, and therefore does not see.

The subject exists because of the object, and the object is but a reflection of the subject: duality cannot be if there is not one, and where is the need for the notion of “unity” if one alone exists?

When thus real knowledge is gained by means of right enquiry and understanding, only that remains which is not expressible in words.  Of that is cannot be said that it is one or that it is many.  It is neither seer nor seen, neither subject nor object, neither this nor that.  Neither unity nor diversity can be established as the truth: forever, thesis gives rise to antithesis.  Yet, one is not different from “the other”: just as the wave is not other than water, bracelet is not different from gold.  Even so, division is not a contradiction of unity!

In essence, even as the ramifications of the tree (with its leaves, flowers, fruits, etc) extend from the seed in which there is no such diversification, the universe of diversity extends from the infinite consciousness.

As long as words are used to denote a truth, duality is inevitable; however, much duality is not the truth.  All divisions are illusory.

When desire ends, the individual self drops its self-limitation.

Ignorance is not dispelled by half-knowledge, even as there is no relief from cold when one sits near a painting of fire.  The ignorant sees the world as a physical reality, the wise as consciousness.

Inquiry alone is the best remedy for the long-lasting illness known as samsara (repeated births).

Consciousness minus conceptualization.