Tuesday 27 March 2018

The Gentle Art of Blessing by Pierre Pradervand

What if unconditional love were the normal and natural response of those who have really grasped the idea that the universe and the self is – not are—one? 

Love is a dimension like time and space.

We can transform our past by transforming our consciousness about the past.

Divine love brings into my life exactly what I need to experience, grow, and progress in the present moment and to fill the cup of my joy now.

The more we expect good and affirm it as a law governing our lives, the more it will be manifested in our existence.

On awakening, bless this day, for it is already full of unseen good which your blessing will call forth, for to bless is to acknowledge the unlimited good that is embedded in the texture of the universe and waiting each and all.

By the quality of our expectations and alertness we choose the kind of day that dawns in our life.

Humanity is learning in a gradual and individual process that the only punishment we can experience is the self-imposed suffering that results from neglecting the spiritual laws that exist solely for our happiness and freedom.

Every single event in life can become an opportunity for a silent “Yes, thank you”.

Absolutely everything – a traffic jam, an illness, a theft, a noisy neighbor, a flat tire – becomes an opportunity to learn, discover, progress, repent, rejoice, unveil, awaken, love more, and wonder.

Evil is sometimes the highest idea of good some people have…. Each one is at each moment at his or her highest level of consciousness…. Evil is always the result of ignorance, deep confusion, or an inability to see.

All of life is a subjective process of interpretation and definition.