Tuesday 20 March 2018

The Red Book by Sera Beak

All quotes from Sera's book

God is a verb.

You are not here to play it safe.  You are here to start fires.

Being intuitive is not about trying real hard, it’s about relaxing real soft.

Being psychic does not necessarily mean that someone is more spiritually advanced.

Just because someone is psychic or can sense energy fields or can hear your guardian angels, that doesn’t mean that all the information they are giving is right for you.

Developing your resonance skills takes a little time and practice, lots of “Oh, so that was my intuition
telling me to avoid that workshop, not just my acid reflux".

The ultimate ideal is for us to turn our lives into a moving meditation. 

Meditation provides the space and time for you to assimilate, to metabolize all the spiritual ideas and concepts you’ve been learning, so that you can start translating them into lived experience.

You can’t establish an authentic relationship with the divine if you don’t take the time to establish an authentic relationship with yourself.

Dreams that are not understood are like letters that are not opened.

Don’t sit back and wait for the doorbell to ring before you move.  Go ahead and ring it yourself.

To put it bluntly, the universe is not your bitch.  The divine does not hand out complete answers all tied up in pretty ribbons; it is your partner, not your personal Santa Claus.

You gotta drop your normal expectations of how a prayer is supposed to be answered. 

Spirituality is not just about trying to see the divine in all things but is also about getting the divine to see all of you.

Remember to actually walk the spiritual path of your life; don’t spend too much time lingering in the gift shop.

This is one of the most difficult lessons of all: realizing that when it comes down to it, you can’t really blame anybody or anything outside of yourself for you ruining your day, your year, your life.

If you come across a manifestation of divine energy that catches your heart while you’re exploring your divine path, don’t keep it out in the cold just because you’re not sure of its background.