Thursday 8 March 2018

Upgrade: Taking Your Work and Life from Ordinary to Extraordinary by Rana Florida

All quotes from Rana's book

Intuitively, we know that the best stuff in life isn’t stuff at all, and the relationships, experiences and meaningful work are the staples of a happy life. 

Following your passion means the possibility of having everything and nothing, making it and losing it.  It ebbs and flows; you must have flexibility and adaptable personality.

Identify what you want your life to look like, learn how to leverage the resources you already have, prioritize your needs, and knock out time wasters.

Creativity grows in a yes environment.

Creativity is a prerequisite for success.

Constant change, creativity, and innovation are the key to success.

Three things – having a blast, feeling a sense of accomplishment, and cultivating a sense of a larger purpose – are all that really matters in life.

Give up me in favor of we.

Understand what your underlying fear is.  Will you be judged?  Humiliated publicly? Are you afraid of next steps? Do you risk financial security? Afraid of success?  Determining the fear is the first step to removing the obstacles.

It’s time to take back our freedom, to be ourselves, and to follow our dreams and passions, whether it’s at school, at the office, or in our homes.

Your life doesn’t have to suck; stop settling for a state of managed dissatisfaction.

Build recess time into your daily life; we all need a playground to recharge our thinking.

Growth, learning, and discovery happen when you leave your comfort zone.

Time is more important than money and possessions.  It’s the one thing you can never get back and something you can’t buy, barter, or borrow. 

Think of failure as a time to grow, regroup, reflect, reinvent, and ultimately push forward in new directions.

The majority of us don’t think about how we can optimize our lives.  Instead of developing a real strategy based on where we want to go in life and why, we just slog through in a state of what I like to call managed dissatisfaction.  We are doing ok; we are managing to get by but with an underlying tinge of unhappiness.

It is never too late to envision an entirely different future…. It’s about leveraging the resources around you, collaborating, thinking creatively, and protecting your time.

The most successful lives are forged by incredible focus.

Doing the things you want to do and having the freedom, time, and flexibility to make them happen are the secrets of a rich, fulfilled life.

Your space is the foundation on which everything else will build.  Why not curate it, clean it up, and make it appealing?

Zoo animals can die or suffer psychological and physical damage if their environment doesn’t meet their needs, and the same thing is true of the place where you spend more than forty hours a week.