Friday 27 April 2018

Cry of the Eagle: Encounters With a Cree Healer by Russell Willier, David Young, Grant Ingram, Lise Swartz

People are the victims of fate only they do not understand how to react to the "pattern" in the things happening around them.

The ability to understand what is happening and to act in a way that changes the future course of events entails power. 

Nobody has the right to challenge the authenticity of another's spiritual experiences.

Taking another world-view seriously means that we do not regard it as consisting merely of interesting beliefs.

"The Great Spirit has helpers like Fire, Thunder, Wind, and Water.  They are the elements -- the Grandfathers". Russell Willier

"If you use a plant and ask that plant spirit to get help from the Great Spirit, the power will come through". Russell Willier

Because of their wrongdoing, people are less worthy than a blade of grass to talk to the Great Spirit directly.

Every living creature is a tangible expression of the spirit for that species.

Fasting and prayer may be required for deep communication with the spirit world, but even simple purification rites such as burning sweetgrass or a fungus from the diamond willow will allow one to perceive the presence of spirits.

Burning incense is like opening a curtain.  When the curtain has been pulled back one can see and communicate directly with the spirits.

Spirits can assist the shaman not only in foretelling but in changing the future.

It is dangerous to take part in ceremonies conducted by incompetent people, but it is even more dangerous not to do the ceremonies at all.

"All the plants and trees and animals have got something that they can give to help cure different sicknesses." Russell Willier

That night he dreamed about the incident.  In his vision a little man about four feet tall came to him.  He was the spirit of the herb Russell had been looking for.

The animal spirits reside in their namesakes.  Thus, the Buffalo Spirit dwells in every buffalo.

When the spirits arrive it feels as if your stomach suddenly leaves you.