Wednesday 30 May 2018

Why Good Things Happen to Good People by Stephen Post and Jill Neimark

Giving is the one kind of love you can count on, because you can always choose it:  it's always within your power to give.

Giving in high school predicts good physical and mental health all the way into late adulthood.

Teens who volunteer make healthier life choices.

Forgiving others improves health more than being forgiven.

Our first response to harm is to protect ourselves, seek safety, and find ways to conserve our well-being.  Anger, fear, hurt, and resentment are actually emotional coping techniques that help us do just that. 

Understand forgiveness as a form of enlightened self-interest, a gift that you give yourself by learning whatever good lessons you can from an event. 

Apologies heal because they restore self-respect and dignity for both individuals.

Marriage can flourish only if we are giving.