Sunday 15 July 2018

Dreaming While Awake: Techniques for 24Hour Lucid Dreaming by Arnold Mindell

Right now, as you sit or lie reading this book, ask yourself what tendencies your body has to move in one direction or another.  Do not move yet; just take a moment to feel those tendencies.  Your tendency to move in one direction or another precedes the actual movement.  You cannot measure your tendencies, even though you can feel them.  Your tendency to move, which precedes your actual movement, is like the quantum wave potential, which is a tendency for things to happen before they occur and can be measured.

Anything you see, hear, feel, or relate to is real, whether or not it can be repeated.  If you suddenly fantasize something, then its pattern is there; it is trying to happen.

Everyone undergoes the cycle of discovering, being fatigued, sleeping and reawakening.  The warrior, however, tries to break this cycle by remembering his entire self at all times.

You can never train enough in the shamanic work of hunting for lost energies and souls.  Becoming any kind of facilitator for human growth, for that matter, is a task without end.