Tuesday 24 July 2018

Self-Healing: The Only Introduction You'll Need by David Lawson

Physical symptoms tell us that there is something we need to learn about ourselves and something we need to change.

Positive energy boosts the immune system, maintains us in balance and makes us available for positive experiences, positive people, positive opportunities and healthy solutions.

Healthy thoughts are permissive thoughts. They permit us to be who we truly are.

When we acknowledge our fears, reassure ourselves that we are safe and release our fearful thoughts, we make ourselves available for new, safer experiences.

If we constantly think about our bodies as unreliable, ugly, hateful and inadequate then we significantly contribute to patterns of disharmony and deterioration.

A symptom is a signal that there is some underlying imbalance.

The things that we do compulsively could be a cover for unexpressed emotional needs, desires and conflicts.

Whether we blame ourselves or others, the energy of our blaming thoughts keeps us attached to our problems rather than liberating us from them.

Healing is often an ongoing process of discovering and applying a combination of solutions…. It is also important to be available for the one simple step that could change everything easily and rapidly.

We all need to take the risk of thinking, acting and responding to life in new ways.