Thursday 30 August 2018

Judgment Detox: Release the Beliefs that Hold You Back from Living a Better Life by Gabrielle Bernstein

We get a quick hit of self-righteousness when we judge others.  It's a reliable little crutch when we feel hurt, insecure, or vulnerable.

The moment we see ourselves as separate from anyone else, we detour into a false belief system that is out of alignment with our true nature.

We must recognize that we all have the same problem and the same solution.  Our problem is that we
separated from love and the solution is to return to love.

Ego reinforces our separation by convincing us that we're less special or more special than others.

Our manifestation of specialness is the special relationship, which the ego uses to protect us from feeling the pain of separation. 

When your idol falls, you fall with them.

Judgment is the number one reason we feel blocked, sad, and alone.

It's easier to make fun of, write off, or judge someone for a perceived weakness of theirs than it is to examine our own sense of lack.

We unconsciously choose to judge rather than feel the pain beneath our wounds.

You create your reality with the thoughts you repeat and the beliefs you align with.

We can use logic and intuition to discern what feels right for us without being judgmental.  It's the habit of condemning and criticizing that we must let go of.

One way you know you're in judgment (and not discernment) is that you don’t feel good; instead you feel defensive, fearful, or under attack.  It's a sign you've separated from love and chosen fear.

Often when people trigger our wounds, we judge them when this happens instead of accepting that the discomfort is really about us.

The way out of judgment begins when you witness the judgment without more judgment. 

Being willing to accept the parts of our consciousness that are out of spiritual alignment makes us stronger.

When we feel safe enough to expose our shadows, that's when we become free.

Why would I feel the need to judge if I felt safe and complete?

The clearest way to find joy and success is to join your mind with love. 

The reason you judge is because you're avoiding an emotion that you don't want to feel.

When judgment is on the altar, we get stuck in the chaos of what we don't want and only create more of it.

When we say a prayer, we allow our consciousness to receive intuitive guidance.

Whenever you're triggered by others, it's because they're mirroring back elements of your shadow that you're unwilling to heal.

Meditation has the capacity to transform all your relationships, including your relationship to yourself.

Witness your fear, offer it to your inner guide for healing, and let forgiveness lead to miracles. 

Liberation from judgment requires our willingness to forgive.  Without forgiveness we continue to live in the shadows of our past and our projections of the future.

Your ego works continuously to convince you that some outside force is the source of your dilemma, rather than your inward-facing turmoil.

Forgiveness requires practice and repetition.