Wednesday 1 August 2018

Native Science: Natural Laws of Interdependence by Gregory Cajete

As we experience the world, so we are also experienced by the world.

Life and death are transformations of energy into new forms, the material & energetic fuel of nature’s creativity. 

Creative participation with the living earth extends from birth to death and beyond.  At birth, humans come new yet recycled through the elegant cycles of metamorphosis, transformation, and regeneration that form the basis for all life on earth.

The body is a creative, shape-shifting entity.

Native science continually relates to and speaks of the world as full of active entities with which people engage.  To our sensing bodies, all things are active.  Therefore, native languages are verb based, and the words that describe the world emerge directly from actively perceived experience.  In a sense, language “choreographs”  and/or facilitates the continual orientation of native thought and perception toward active participation, active imagination, and active engagement with all that makes up natural reality.

The verb-based nature of Native languages is also connected to the Native cosmological assumption that we live in an interrelated living world in perpetual creative motion.

A healer choreographs or facilitates a process in which the patient is the real leader.