Sunday, 18 November 2018

How Not to Die: Discover the Foods Scientifically Proven to Prevent and Reverse Disease by Dr Michael Greger

As soon as we stop eating an artery-clogging diet, our bodies can start healing themselves, in many cases opening up arteries without drugs or surgery.

Our diet is the number-one cause of premature death and number-one cause of disability.

Many people assume that our manner of death is preprogrammed into our genes…. But for most of the leading causes of death, the science shows that our genes often account for only 10-20 percent of risk at most.

Smoking cigarettes is associated with triple the rate of telomere loss.

Three months of whole-food plant-based nutrition and other healthy changes could significantly boost telomerase activity, the only intervention ever shown to do so.

A healthy lifestyle can boost telomerase enzyme activity and reverse cellular aging.

Most of our leading causes of death and disability are more preventable than inevitable.

The primary reason diseases tend to run in families may be that diets tend to run in families.

Your family history does not have to become your personal destiny.

Three hours after eating a cup of broccoli sprouts, the enzyme that cancers use to help silence our defenses is suppressed in your bloodstream to an extent equal or greater than chemotherapy agent specifically designed for that purpose, without the toxic side effects.

Heart disease may be a choice.

Given the right conditions the body heals itself.

Women who consumed at least one serving of blueberries and two servings of strawberries each week had slower rates of cognitive decline.

People who drank fruit and vegetable juices appeared to have a 76 percent lower risk of developing Alzheimer's disease. 

The barrier separating your bloodstream from the world is many times thinner than a single sheet of tissue paper.

If you let kids run around for just six minutes, the levels of immune cells circulating in their blood increases by nearly 50 percent.

Type 2 diabetes, previously known as adult-onset diabetes, accounts for 90-95 percent of diabetes cases.

Type 2 diabetes is almost always preventable, often treatable, and sometimes even reversible through diet and lifestyle changes.

A high-fat diet can impair the body's ability to handle sugar.

Drinking just one can of soda a day appears to raise the odds of getting fatty liver disease by 45 percent.

Kiwi is one of the fruits I've prescribed to my patients with insomnia (two an hour before bedtime appears to significantly improve sleep onset, duration, and efficiency).

If just half of the U.S. population were to increase fruit and vegetable consumption by a single serving per day, an estimated twenty thousand cancer cases might be avoided each year. 

When you eat nuts, you burn more of your own fat.