Wednesday 30 January 2019

Remembering the Light Within: A Course in Soul-Centered Living by Mary R Hulnick and H Ronald Hulnick

What does Awakening mean? It begins with the awareness that we simultaneously reside in two worlds.

Awakening into the Awareness of who you truly are and living your life from within that Awakened state  is the essence of Soul-Centered living.

Awakening is a very active process through which step-by-step you remove or dissolve the barriers from your consciousness that are all that prevent you from knowing your Soul's nature. 

Our journey into the Spiritual context begins by distinguishing between what we refer to as the Goal Line and the Soul Line of life.

Intention is perhaps best understood as determination to act in a certain way or to produce a specific outcome.  It can also be thought of as your resolve.

Your current life is a manifestation of your cumulative intention whether you think you have any or not!

Only through the mechanisms of the ego, which operate on the mental and emotional levels, can patterns be stored within your consciousness so that you have the opportunity to heal them.

It's your internal reality that draws you to the outer experiences of your life. 

You construct your perceptual filter and perpetuate your personal mythology through internalizing beliefs based upon your family patterns, cultural values, environmental influences, and religious training…. These often result in limiting beliefs, misinterpretations of reality, erroneous conclusions, and misidentification with a story of self-victimization, self-sabotage, and unworthiness.