Monday 18 March 2019

Cell-Level Healing: The Bridge from Soul to Cell by Joyce Whiteley Hawkes

Living systems show fractal patterns that appear to grow from within themselves expressing the same themes over and over again at their outer edges.  Patterns large and small lead us to consider the wonder of our bodies and our inherent qualities for growth, renewal, and healing.  Consider the fern, growing in a forest, its leaf pattern repeating again and again. 

Cells are so small that 10,000 fit on the head of a pin, yet each cell does its part for the health of your body. 

We share this mysterious oneness at a deep level of structure, function, and consciousness. 

Within each cell there are trillions of molecules composed of trillions more atoms.  Like the spaces between stars, which contain huge amounts of energy, the ultrasmall nano-spaces inside of the atoms team with energy to constantly manifest new creation. 

The cell is the interface between ordinary and nonordinary reality; possibilities exist here that we have barely begun to understand or develop. 

Spiritual connections are not dependent on spatial proximity.