Tuesday 12 March 2019

Healing Through the Dark Emotions: The Wisdom of Grief, Fear, and Despair by Miriam Greenspan


Emotional toxicity keeps us stuck in the same place or moves us into downward spirals that take us further and further away from emotional alchemy.

Without grieving our losses, listening to our fear and despair, we become lifeless and loveless, anxious and depressed, angry and destructive.

Through family conditioning and religious teachings, and in the culture as a whole, we are schooled to endure, deny, bypass, avenge, and escape painful emotions.  These five common ways of coping have their strengths and weaknesses, but for the most part they aren’t conducive to healing and transformation.

Endurance is the ability to withstand suffering without collapsing.

Denial is unconscious detachment from emotion and the truth that emotion holds.

To transcend suffering authentically, we must be willing to live it fully.  To rise above, we must go through – without any guarantees of what we’ll find on the other side.

In visions of vengeance, we find some small relief for feelings that are intolerable.

Americans are the most addicted people in the world – and our primary addiction is to feeing good.

We learn not to feel through what we think, not to think through what we feel.

Conscious awareness is not something promoted in our culture, while avoidance, distraction, and escape are.

People who chronically suppress their emotions need to have their emotions artificially stimulated.

Without the free flow of emotional energy, we’re all deader than we want to be, and like any addict, we want a fix that makes us feel better – something that allows us to feel more alive and cellulary connected to emotional energy.

Emotional flow is the state in which one is connected to the energy of emotion yet able to witness it mindfully. We ride the wave of emotion on the surfboard of awareness. When we do this skillfully, emotional energy in a state of flow naturally moves toward healing, harmony, and transformation.

To attend to the dark emotions is to sense them in the body, focus your awareness on them, and name them accurately.

The dark emotions are attention grabbers, goading us into awareness.

Attending to emotional energy is a bodily-grounded awareness. It means knowing how to feel your feelings, as opposed to knowing how to describe them without feeling them.

You can’t be emotionally flabby and expect to come to a place of emotional transformation and spiritual power.

To befriend the dark emotions, your intention must be to get close to what you want to run away from.  You need to take your time and give yourself permission to let yourself feel whatever you’re feeling without shame, doubt, analysis, or condemnation.

You surrender by moving into what hurts, with awareness as your protection.

Connected detachment: staying connected to emotional energy mindfully. The detachment comes from being mindful, not from disconnecting.