Wednesday 23 August 2017

Pimatisiwin: Walking in a Good Way by Mary Isabelle Young

All quotes from Mary’s book

Narrative is the study of how humans make meaning of experience by endlessly telling and retelling stories about themselves that both refigure the past and create purpose in the future.

The only thing I understood then was there were rules and if I wanted to escape punishment, I had to obey them.

My journey is not about blaming others for what I missed out or endured but it is about taking into account my original landscape, where I come from and by doing that I will be “truly present” to myself. 

The Aboriginal way of thinking is that language encompasses all of the following: a constant flux, moving, recombining, energy waves, spirit, animate, relations, renewal and land. 

The residential school system was set up to remove children from their parents to “civilize”, “Christianize”, and “educate”.