Thursday, 14 September 2017

100 Things Successful People Do by Nigel Cumberland

All quotes from Nigel's book

Successful people never rely upon chance or fate. 

Being liked takes sacrifice.

Real success is about helping other people succeed.

To love yourself involves understanding, acceptance, forgiveness and being at peace with who you are.  To be comfortable and at peace with yourself you need to understand that none of us is perfect and you are not the only one who has faults, weaknesses and issues; accept yourself as you are, no matter how imperfect you think yourself to be; forgive yourself and stop blaming yourself for errors and mistakes in your life. 

Treat your health as your main wealth.

You must forgive others for the sake of your own wellbeing. 

True confidence is about being completely at peace with yourself. 

Understand what is really making you uncomfortable. 

Success will not come to you, you have to go and find it. 

When you are in harmony with yourself, four things are aligned: what you do, what you think, what you say and what you feel. 

Being in harmony with others is all about being honest, walking your talk, being open, trusting and kind.  The opposite is breaking promises, confrontation, misunderstanding and a lack of authenticity. 

Be the person today you want to be in retirement. 

The expert is the one who has made the most mistakes.