Saturday 21 October 2017

The Inside Out Revolution by Michael Neill

All quotes from Michael's book

Ironically, what we`re seeking is all around us all the time.  Right where you`re sitting now is the infinite whole made manifest in the divine specific.  You could no sooner be `not enough` than a tree could be the wrong color.  And you don`t have to become worthy of love, because love is what you're made of. 

I know two things for sure: I seem to be part of a larger whole, and I`m not in charge of how things unfold.  If you want to call that larger whole or great unfolding `life` or `the universe` or `spirit`, I`m okay with that.  If you want to call it `God`, I`m okay with that too. 

Knowing that I`m feeling my thinking and not my life makes all the difference in the world. 

Feelings are real but the way you`re seeing your life isn`t. it`s just a trick of the mind, like a mirage.

One of the great ironies of the human condition is that we seem most motivated to make dramatic changes at precisely the moments when we`re least equipped to do so.

No matter how hard a surfer works, the ocean is doing most of the heavy lifting. 

You’re not the pilot on this mission.  You’re the plane.

In any situation we have a nearly infinite range of choices.

Everything the body does is designed to return itself to a state of natural health and equilibrium.

By recognizing three fundamental principles at play behind every human experience, it becomes possible to tap into a deeper intelligence behind life that informs our mental health, supplies us with ongoing wisdom and guidance, and allows us to unleash incredible creative power into the world.

Experience always follows thought, regardless of what’s going around.

Our endless pursuit of “not this” is driven by our deepest fear: that there’s something wrong with us and we’re not enough.

There is an energy and intelligence behind life.  This ever present but is not “in control” – it has no inherent morality or apparent point of view.

We create our individual experience of reality via the vehicle of thought.

There is no end of you finding beauty, love and understanding in this world.

The more you look in the direction of what’s creating experience and away from the content of that experience the easier it is to hear the quiet wisdom that can lead to a quantum leap of consciousness.

We’re only ever one new thought away from a completely different experience of being alive.

Once you realize that it’s only your over thinking that you’re experiencing, the thinking loses much of its hold over you.

The moment we stop fighting with ourselves and others about what to think and instead focus on the miracle we are thinking, the details of life begin to work themselves out, all by themselves.

We’re living in the feeling of our thinking, not the feeling of the world.

Stress, fear, and difficulty are perceived to be primary characteristics of the situation, not of our own thinking.

The nature of thought is both creative and arbitrary.

Instead of trying to explain why we think what we think by looking for evidence in the world or in our upbringing, we recognize that mind is not so much a camera as a paintbrush and, consciously or unconsciously, we are the artist.

We don’t experience money; we experience our thinking about money.