Saturday 25 November 2017

Love Sense by Dr Sue Johnson

All quotes from Sue's book

Love, to so many of us, seems a bewitchment – a force, powerful and dangerous, that strikes us without our bidding. 

Erosion of a bond begins with the absence of emotional support.

The way we perceive our partner and the meaning we attribute to his or her actions depends on our sense of emotional connection.

A tsunami of loneliness, anxiety, and depression is sweeping through Western societies.

We are designed to deal with emotion in concert with another person – not by ourselves.

Love relationships aren’t meant only to be joyrides; they’re also restorative and balancing meeting places where negative emotions are calmed and regulated.

Loving connection is the natural antidote to fear and pain.

Once we are balanced, we can turn to the world and move in it with flexibility, open to learning and able to look at the choices available to us in any situation.

Our feelings guide us in issues large and small; they tell us what we want, what our preferences are, and what we need.

The inability to touch or name emotions leaves us aimless, without an internal compass to steer us toward what we need.

Love, at its best, brings a cornucopia of good things: joy and contentment, safety and trust, intense interest and involvement, curiosity and openness.

The better you are at listening to and distilling your emotions and sending clear emotional signals, the better your relationships will be.

See if you can find the trigger – the body sensation, the catastrophic thought… -- and the action impulse that appeared with it.  Did you want to run, to turn and fight, to crawl under the rug? … What did you do?

Paying attention to the way your emotions unfold in interactions with your partner can reveal important patterns.  Once you recognize a sequence, you can exert more control over how you react.

Open responsiveness shows us that we are cared for and valued.

It is repeated experience that turns genes either off or on.

When love begins to erode, what is missing is attunement and the emotional responsiveness that goes with it.