Friday 8 December 2017

Healing Ceremonies by Carl A Hammerschlag and Howard D Silverman

All quotes from Carl & Howard's book

Even as a prisoner, whether of illness, financial problems, or other circumstances, you have the capacity to choose your attitude, to transcend suffering, and to find meaning in life.  Choice elevates the spirit by allowing you to exercise your responsibilities to yourself and your faith. 

Trusting and loving unconditionally – it’s the task of the beginning, and ultimately will be the task of the ending.

Rituals and ceremonies help orient us during crises.  They facilitate connections, helping us to reframe our experience in more functional ways. 

Staying connected with love is the best safeguard against the fear and hopelessness that can steal the spirit.

For a ceremony to be most effective, it must have a clear purpose.

Vulnerability is simply an opportunity for new learning.

You can approach contemporary diagnostic and therapeutic procedures as if they were an invitation to personal growth rather than something out of a medical textbook.  Ceremonializing “routine” medical procedures expands them into events that invite fuller participation in, and responsibility for, the healing process.

Growth has nothing to do with adding on; it has to do with letting go.

Ceremony is a way to reconnect with the dreams of our lives, to cleanse ourselves of old expectations, and to make new commitments.

It has become apparent that healing is complex and mysterious.  Pharmaceuticals, surgery, and incantations all have magical powers.  Each has a unique place in the healing mystery and none stands alone.