Sunday 31 December 2017

Meridian Qigong Exercises: Combining Qigong, Yoga, and Acupressure by Dr Jwing-Ming Yang

All quotes from Jwing-Ming's book

In Chinese medicine, the muscles/tendons that wrap around the torso are considered an organ called triple burner. 

Qi and blood circulation is the crucial key to getting rid of the body's toxins, especially when done in the early morning, right after waking up.

In Chinese medicine, it is recognized that smooth qi circulation is the key to preventing or treating cancers.

Feeling is a language that allows your mind and body to communicate through the nervous system and qi (energy) circulation.

Chinese people still refer to the weather as heaven qi. Every energy field strives to stay in balance, so whenever heaven qi loses its balance, it tries to rebalance itself. Then the wind must blow, rain must fall, and even tornadoes and hurricanes become necessary in order for heaven qi to reach a new energy balance.

The Chinese believe earth qi is made up of lines and patterns of energy as well as the earth's magnetic field and the heart concealed underground.  These energies must also bein balance; otherwise, disasters such as earthquakes will occur.

Within earth qi, each individual person, animal, and plant has its own qi field, which always seeks to be balanced.

Qi is also commonly used to express the energy state of something…. When something is alive it has vital qi; when it is dead, it has dead qi or ghost qi.

Air is called kong qi, which literally means "space energy".