Sunday 3 December 2017

Miracles Now by Gabrielle Bernstein

All quotes from Gabrielle's book

Without clear direction, people can feel misaligned with their purpose, their relationships, and their overall connection to the world.

The ego is a shrewd eraser of the truth.

You don’t need to find your purpose. Your purpose will find you.

Underneath every limiting believe, negative pattern, attack thought, and fear of the world lives a feeling that hasn’t come to the surface for healing.

Our job is to be at peace with the chaos.

The secret to getting more done is simply to slow down.

Give more of what you want to receive.

When people insist on living in fear, our job isn’t to transform them.

If peace is your intention, let peace be your response.

As we defend against the attacks of others we invest in their attack.

Often people say to me, “I don’t have time to meditate”, or “I don’t have time to pray.” My response is, “Do you have time to feel like shit?”

See the tormentor as the mentor.

In many cases we use our bad habit to avoid dealing with something much more difficult.

Happy people don’t post rude comments on the web.

Remember the strangeness is a good sign.  Regardless of how uncomfortable you feel, take this powerful action in the right direction and step outside your comfort zone.

When we feel stuck it’s because we choose to perceive our situation with fear rather than love.

What we think, we feel, and what we feel, we attract.

Worry is a prayer for chaos.

The way we experience the world around us is a direct reflection of the world within us.  If our thoughts and energy are not supportive then our life won’t be supported.

When you act on [fear], you create chaos in your life.

[Witness] how you’ve chosen fear over happiness.

If you want to live a miraculous life, you must be willing to look at your behavior and take responsibility for the life you’ve created up until now.

Retrain yourself to choose happiness over fear.

Your practice is crucial in the awakening of the world.