Saturday, 6 January 2018

Be Here Now by Ram Dass

All quotes from Ram's book

If you feel free only when you meditate, you’re not really free. 

I would like my life to be a statement of love and compassion – and where it isn’t, there’s where my work lies. 

Relax.  You are being guided.  In fact, the next message you need in the treasure hunt is exactly where you are when you need it. The message may be in the form of a teacher or a lover or an enemy or a pet or a rock or a chemical or a book or a feeling of great despair or a physical illness or the eyes of a person you pass on the street. 

Where do we begin? The answer is simple: you begin just where you are. 

We’re all the same being and that’s the problem--- we can only move as fast as we all can move. 

Practice is like a roller coaster.  Each new high is usually followed by a new low.  There is in addition to the up-and-down cycles an in-and-out cycle.  That is, there are stages at which you feel pulled into inner work and all you seek is a quiet place to meditate and get on with it, and then there are times when you turn outward and seek to be involved in the marketplace.   Both of these parts of the cycles are a part of one’s practice, for what happens to you in the marketplace helps in your meditation, and what happens in your meditation helps you to participate in the marketplace without attachment.  At first you will think of practice as a limited part of your life.  In time you will realize that everything we do is part of your practice.

If you think you are so enlightened, go and spend a week with your parents.

It is important to expect nothing, to take every experience, including the negative ones, as merely steps on the path, and to proceed.

Your ego is a set of thoughts that define your universe.

Meditation changes your desires in the course of fulfilling them.

You have at this moment many constellations of thoughts, each composing an identity: sexual, social, cultural, educational, economic, intellectual, historical, philosophical, spiritual, among others. One or another of these identities takes over as the situation demands

Your resistances to meditation are your mental prisons in miniature.

The goal of meditation is to free your awareness from its identification with your senses and thoughts.

To travel all over looking for the perfect teacher adds more to your melodrama than your liberation.  Virtually any teacher is suitable simply to begin, and if no teacher is available, you can do much on your own.  In the end, you are your own best teacher.

Teachers and teachings are forms, and ultimately you must go beyond forms.

Solitude shows you the way your mind creates your universe.