Monday, 8 January 2018

Out of Control by Shefali Tsabary

All quotes from Shefali's book

Your children are here to challenge your integrity.  

Our subconscious patterns hold tremendous energy.  This energy causes us to create an atmosphere our children react to.  We could say they pick up our emotional “vibes”…. Our children don’t respond to our surface instructions.  Instead they are attuned to our subconscious script.

The key to effective parenting is to turn the spotlight away from the child as “behaving badly” to our own “badly behaving emotionality”.  Unless we identify and untangle our emotional patterns, we will unwittingly foster dysfunctional behavior in our children.  We will search high and low for ways to fix our children, not realizing there’s nothing to fix, only a need for us to grow ourselves up.

All conflicts with our children originate with our own internal subconscious conflicts.

What we think of as a need for discipline stems not from the child’s behavior but from our emotional attachment to a particular idea of “how my child should be”.

An unconscious aspect of human nature involves judging and labeling those things we don’t understand as “bad”.

Every conflict in our present lives – whatever with our children, spouse, or other adults – is in some way a recreation of our childhood.

Instead of reacting emotionally, the parent needs to calmly decipher the meaning behind the behavior and shift from the content of the child’s eruption.  The key is that the parent remain centered, not thrown off balance by the remark, so they can gently probe for the real issue.

Natural consequences are always consistent.

Learning to walk the fine line between being attuned to our children and overreacting is an art.  It requires the parent to become aware of how their own neediness may be in operation at any given moment.

Our children didn’t come into the world to be our puppets.  They came here to struggle, fumble, thrive, and enjoy – a journey for which they need our encouragement.

Each time our subconscious agenda doesn’t get met, we enter the space of a hurt child.

All negative behavior is a manifestation of hurt feelings.

Precisely at the point where it appears that our children are trying to exclude us from their lives, defy us, or manipulate us, they are signalling they need us.

To live in the grey requires differentiation, between true feelings and our emotional reactions.  They are vastly different.  A feeling comes from the heart and is a response to what’s arising in the moment.  An emotional reaction is a programmed knee-jerk from our subconscious patterns of our past.

Witnessing is about being able to connect with reality just as it is.

This isn’t about whether a particular behavior is okay.  It’s about the relationship being okay.  A child needs to be learn that it’s safe to confess their mistakes and admit their weaknesses.  It affirms for them that no matter what they do, they are still a good and valued person.

For another human to come into our life, especially into our care as in the case of a child, is a privilege.

What is it about us that led to the reaction we are getting from our child?

It’s our ability to experience the burning sting of our pain, without assuaging it, that empowers us to receive joy in all its magnificence.