Saturday 7 April 2018

Narrative Medicine: The Use of History and Story in the Healing Process by Lewis Madrona-Mehl

The path toward healing is also the path towards curing.  We can always heal but we cannot be cured.  

Story is the basic unit of psychology and medicine.  Everything humans do is in the form of a story, or a narrative.  All of the knowledge that we have is embedded in a story about how to use that knowledge. 

In psychology, it makes a lot more sense to talk about defective stories rather than to talk about defective people.  And so, instead of saying to someone, "Oh, I got anxiety disorder.  That's what makes me so miserable", a more productive thing to say is "I'm living stories that make me worry more than i need to.  Help me to change those stories so I don't have worry as much". 

Become aware of the stories you are living by. 

Part of the wisdom of Native North America, is the understanding that we need each other, that we can't function in isolation, that illness arises from disharmony in our relationships.