Saturday 16 June 2018

The Seat of the Soul by Gary Zukav

Each choice of fear -- anger, jealousy, vengefulness -- is a choice to evolve unconsciously through the painful, destructive consequences that fear creates.

From the perspective of the universe, the language of comparison is not the language of lesser and better, but of limitation and opportunity.

The insecurity which underlies the perception of power as external cannot be healed by the accumulation of external power. 

When we align our thoughts, emotions, and actions with the highest part of ourselves, we are filled with enthusiasm, purpose, and meaning.  Life is full and rich.  We have no thoughts of bitterness…. This is the experience of authentic power.

An authentically empowered person is incapable of making anyone or anything a victim.

Your personality, like your body, is the vehicle of your evolution.

Only the personality can judge, manipulate and exploit.  Only the personality can pursue external power.  The personality can also be loving, compassionate, and wise in its relations with others, but love, compassion and wisdom do not come from the personality.  They are experiences of the soul.

Your soul is not a passive or a theoretical entity that occupies a space in the vicinity of your chest cavity.  It is a positive, purposeful force at the core of your being.

Creating authentic power requires experiencing within us the differences between fear and love and choosing love no matter what is going on inside us.

Competition for external power lies at the heart of all violence. 

Multisensory perception is your ability to see beyond what the five senses can detect.

Every action, thought, and feeling is motivated by an intention, and that intention is a cause that exists as one with an effect.  If we participate in the cause, it is not possible for us not to participate in the effect.

In order to become whole, the soul must balance its energy.  It must experience the effects that it has caused.

Non-judgmental justice is the freedom of seeing what you see and experiencing what you experience without responding negatively.

Actions and reactions in the physical arena set energy into motion, forming our experiences and revealing in the process the lessons that the soul has yet to learn.

The framework of karma and reincarnation is impersonal, and provides for each soul, in response to the actions of its personalities, the experiences that it requires in order to evolve. 

We see Life as cheap.  This perception pervades all of our perceptions…. We look upon each other as prey to satisfy our emotional and physical needs.

When we curse a competitor or strive to disempower another person, we absent ourselves from reverence.  When we work to take instead of to give, we labor without reverence. 

A disempowered person is a frightened person.

The decision to approach Life with reverence means acting and thinking as a spiritual person in a world that does not recognize spirit.

Impatience is the desire to have your needs met first.

Reverence is connecting with the true power and essence of what a person is or what a thing is.  It is a holy perception.

When we close the door to our feelings, we close the door to the vital currents hat energize and activate our thoughts and actions.

If we are not intimate with our emotions, we cannot perceive the dynamics that lie behind emotions, the way that these dynamics work, and the ends that they serve.  Emotions are currents of energy that pass through us.  Awareness of these currents is the first step in learning how our experiences come into being and why.

Reverence is not an emotion.  It's a way of being.

Only through your emotions can you experience the force field of your own soul. 

A splintered personality experiences the circumstances within its life as more powerful than itself.

At each instant you make decisions in the form of your attitudes.

Your dispositions, aptitudes, and attitudes reflect your intentions.  If you are angry, fearful, resentful, or vengeful, your intention is to keep people at a distance.

If you attend to the negative aspects of life, if you choose to focus your attention on the weaknesses of others, on their faults and shortcomings, you draw to yourself the lower frequency energy currents of disdain, anger, and hatred.  You put distance between yourself and others.  You create obstacles to your loving.

If you direct your energy into criticism of others with the intention to disempower them, you create negative karma.

You cannot choose your intentions consciously until you become conscious of each of the different aspects of yourself.  If you are not conscious of each part of yourself, you will have the experience of wanting to say, or to intend, one thing, and finding yourself saying or intending something else.  You will want  your life to move in one direction, and find that it is moving in another. 

The choice not to choose is the choice to remain unconscious and therefore, to wield power irresponsibly.

Each decision requires that you choose which parts of yourself you want to cultivate, and which parts you want to release.

A responsible choice is a choice that takes into account the consequences of each of your choices.  In order to make a responsible choice you must ask yourself, for each choice that you are considering, "What will this produce? Do I really want to create that? Am I ready to accept all of the consequences of this choice?"

A disagreement between two friends, for example, is not so much a disagreement as aspects of each surfacing in order to be healed.

The splintered personality is not content.  The contentment that it feels in one moment is replaced by anger or fear or envy in the next moment as conflicting aspects of itself struggle with each other.

When you struggle consciously with a choice between the wants of your personality and the needs of your soul, you enter a dynamic through which you are enabled to evolve without creating negative karma. That is the dynamic of temptation…. Temptation is a dress rehearsal for a karmic experience of negativity.

Temptations are not traps.  Each temptation is an opportunity through which the soul is able to learn without creating karma, to evolve directly through conscious choice.

Temptation is the gracious way of introducing each individual to his or her power…. With each choice that you make to align yourself with the energy of your soul, you empower yourself.

Responsibility is a sacred word.  It means the ability to respond from love rather than automatically reacting from fear.

When you struggle with an addiction, you deal directly with the healing of your soul.

Addictions are the strongest frightened parts of your personality.

Our species is no longer humble.  It has no reverence…. We take from the Earth and from each other.

If you wish the world to become loving and compassionate, become loving and compassionate yourself.  If you wish to diminish fear in the world, diminish your own.

What is in one is in the whole, and therefore, ultimately, each soul is responsible for the whole world.

When energy leaves you in fear or distrust, you experience physical pain in  your body near the energy centers that are losing power.