Thursday 28 June 2018

Why Young Men: Rage, Race and the Crisis of Identity by Jamil Jivani

You're a wishful thinker when you want a better life but don't know how to plan for it.  Wishing is about all you've got.  But you're a thoughtful wisher when you know the specific, attainable steps you need to take to get to the better life you're looking for.

A University of Toronto study found that 40 percent of job seekers from ethnic minority communities across North America "whiten" their resumes by "adopting Anglicized names and downplaying experiences with racial groups to bypass biased screeners and just get their foot in the door".

Government job programs sometimes support people's perceptions of unemployment as an active form of exclusion.  When job opportunities can magically be created by government funding, there is an accompanying assumption that job creation is a choice that could have been made beforehand but purposely wasn't.

The information gaps created by distrust of these authorities are quickly filled by conspiracy theories.

Egypt is far younger than any country in the West, with 60 percent of its population under the age of thirty.