Wednesday 20 June 2018

Women Rocking Business: The Ultimate Step-by-Step Guidebook to Create a Thriving Life Doing Work You Love by Sage Lavine

If you want more money, you have to first "bless that which you want", as the Hawaiians say.  Noticing what emotions money elicits from  you is the first step to improving your relationship with it and healing any hurt you've had because of it.

We're the ones who choose to associate money with worry, shame, and blame -- then blame it for not showing up for us.

We all have places where we go unconscious about money.  We stop paying attention, we overspend, or we hoard.

We re-create our childhood money story in adulthood… until we do the inner work.

Happier people on average make approximately $1 million more over the course of their lifetimes.

Money is just energy, and when we give our life force in a way that contributes to others, we invite energy to come back to us as an exchange.

Money is a tool -- like a hammer -- one we can use to either build things up or tear them down.

If there is food in your fridge, if you have shoes and clothes, if you have a bed and a roof, you're richer than 75 percent of the people in the world.  If you have a bank account, money in your wallet, and some coins in the money box, you're more fortunate than 92 percent of the people on the planet. 

When we, as women, adopt a humanitarian cause or service-based mission above and beyond our immediate client base, we rise above our typical income levels.

Stop trying to figure it out all at once.  Your business will evolve one client, one customer, one sale, or one project at a time.

The voice of fear---  your own personal gremlins -- simply get louder when you try anything new.

Having a purpose is a gift, even when it feels hard.

Trying to figure it all out before you take the first step will not only slow you down but keep you stuck.

Trust that all your desires are leading you to the next right step.

Successful people are successful not because of their talents but because of the choice they made to show up, over and over and over again.

Your leadership, skills, and capacity to wo-manifest will get polished in the experiences of life that are waiting for you.

Failure and success can be equally scary when you really decide to go for it.

Don't take criticism from those who are standing on the sidelines.  Don't accept judgment from those who aren't dipping their toes in the water of risk and transformation.

When you can bring your wounds into the current moment and dialogue with the parts of you that want to hold you back, you'll alchemize that pain into fuel for your future.

Pay close attention to which stories run on replay in your mind.  Watch your emotions and your moods. Notice what you do to lift yourself up.

When you balance your vulnerability with your credibility, you become solid in your leadership and create an energetic field around you that invites the right clients to come in.

Living big without boundary-setting, a support system, and conscious self-care practices can set you up for a truckload of stress.

The secret to not burning out has no more to do with avoiding work than it does with pushing or stressing out.  The secret lies in your ability to fully engage and plug in, as well as your equal ability to unplug and unwind at the end of your day.

Your purpose is like your side effect to the flowers that bloom when the bees create  honey.  The goal of the honeybee is to make honey, but the true and more spiritual purpose of a honeybee is to aid in flowers blooming.  And what's even more of a relief is that your purpose unfolds without pushing or prying the flowers open; it's a welcomed side effect to you following your desires.  So as you say YES to what's next for you, your purpose unfolds.

When you take the time to clean your mind, whether through meditation, quiet time, or an hour spent in nature, you tap into a timelessness.

You need to have enough spaciousness in your schedule to access the million-dollar ideas.

Your soul didn't come here to sit in peaceful feelings all the time.