Thursday, 9 August 2018

Intuitive Wellness: Using Your Body's Inner Wisdom to Heal by Laura Alden Kamm

Your cells are the guardians and pillars of your living temple – your body.  The body’s intricate nature is woven together as an extraordinary matrix of form, spirit, energy, emotion, and function.

You are entrusted with the care of your body.  It is a dynamic, energetic space that will change form, ebb and flow, increase and decrease all of the time. Like any ecosystem, your energy, mind, bones, muscles, blood and tissues are always in a state of dynamic change.  Most often, these changes are subtle and seamless. They occur virtually unnoticed. 

Healing does not equal curing the body, at least not in all cases.  Even if that is what we want, it may not be what we get. 

Don’t wait until your body shakes you up by screaming at you through a disorder or disease; instead, ask your body what sort of movement or exercise it would like to engage in – and do it.

If you know but do not do, you don’t really know.

We all have experienced the power of prayer, whether we recognize it or not.  Just do it.  Pray.  Stay humble.  Question, yell, cry, and smile at the Gods above and ask for what you need, want, and desire.  You just have to let those in the ether know what you want, pack a bit of emotion behind it, and move your thoughts and thought forms into alignment with your desires.  Then stand back, watch, and be grateful!

We are literally the creators of our anatomy.  You construct your body through the innumerable events and encounters with people and other stimuli that enter your life and energetic field over time. 

You have authored your anatomy based on how you have lived your life up to this point.

As you listen more carefully and act upon your wisdom, you will realize something very important: your body and its energy always tell you the truth.  It is your rather sophisticated but undisciplined mind that takes you for a ride.